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International Worship for Peace (Friedensgebet)

Dear friends!

Let's turn 2024 around and seek a healthy balance between trusting “all will be well” and taking conscious action to change what is in our power!

Join us for a new English-language service...

Fr, 29.11. 19:30 Uhr
Eva Diestel
Tannenbergallee 6
14055 Berlin
Ort auf der Karte anschauen
Kürzel für Gottesdienste
Ök = ökumenischer Gottesdienst
Pfarrperson oder Gottesdienstleitung
B-natural Praise Band and Pastor Birte Biebuyck
Eingetragen von:
Ev. Friedensgemeinde Charlottenburg
Tannenbergallee 6
14055 Berlin
Christiane Marhold, Küsterin
Tel.: (030) 304 49 96

Redakteur Kultur in Kirchen:
Caroline von Falkenhausen
Tel.: 0173 271 5560

Besondere Hinweise
Dear friends!

Let's turn 2024 around and seek a healthy balance between trusting “all will be well” and taking conscious action to change what is in our power!

Join us for a new English-language service with its foundation in Gospel-Praise Music & Contemplative Prayer at the FRIEDENSGEMEINDE. The B-Natural Praise Band and Pastor Birte Biebuyck invite you to come out, make a humble, yet significant contribution in our broken and fragile world.

Through the power of intentional prayer and song we can build up an awareness for our shared responsibility toward fostering world peace, inclusive communities, interconnectedness in our common humanity and reverence for our beautiful earth. Let us choose to unite our striving to become instruments of Peace and Lightworkers in the world around us.

And what better place to pilot this new international ministry than at the FRIEDENSGEMEINDE with her warm, welcoming and open-minded congregation and Pastor Birte Biebuyck. The B-Natural Praise Band supports this worship experience as a diverse international Worship-Team celebrating our 10th anniversary as musical church service leaders this fall.

Please feel whole heartedly welcome to join us at the FRIEDENSGEMEINDE – everyone is welcome!

There will be time after the service for connecting and fellowship with a light soup and bread.

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Letzte Änderung am: 28.02.2023